Friday, 11 August 2017

Part 3 - My Acne Skin Journey - Personal Journey

Part 3

Something else I wished to share is that I have had a difficult few years, many of my Instagram friends have virtually wiped tears away many times, at times I have over shared too many personal details of a breakup, the nitty gritty details, I have talked openly about being in recovery from an addiction, and the fact is I will always be an addict, it's no secret that I have struggled so much with filling a void within me, an empty place that I will sometimes revert back to old behaviours when my life isn't going as I wish, or I am not taking responsibilty for my life choices or I get sick.


  Buying skincare obsessively was just one way my addiction can manifest. It's a mental health disorder of Obsessive Compulsive Behavior patterns that can start out so innocently and before you know it your kind of doing it against your will like "why the fuck have I ordered yet another cleanser when I know I have 15 unopened" and you know what, we become the master of self denial, the master of justification and deception. You don't have to have taken drugs to have the Addict Mentality, you just have to have something going on that your not dealaing with, a void in your life your filling with something else.

 I also had undiagnosed Coelics Disease for years, slowly getting sicker and sicker physically but my mental health started to decline hugely too, and my personal relationship. I could barely get out of bed most days and my mind was so foggy I was being tested for early dementia, I was so frightened and out of my depth and with the Dr giving me many different diagnoses that just stun me now.. Anyway it just happened that he went over my tests again and found the Coeliacs, as sonn as I gave up gluten I started to recover, but I am left with M.E, which stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis a neurological condition.

So, you see I had so much going on in my life that my acne and skincare became a release, a bit of fun, starting the Instagram for beauty reviews to while away my hours in bed, soon became out of control.
I had to reasses what had happened, what I had allowed to happen while trying to keep up with everyone else. I liked the idea of feeling involved with the other skincare accounts, sharing tips, ideas, being one of the first to snag a new product and photograph it. I felt part of a community, and in all this time somthing else worth mentioning is that I was sick, and had been for a couple of years, which is again one of the ideas to keep me occupied from my bed was to start blogging.

I look back now and I am cringing, paying £150 for serums and what not just to look good and fit in with everyone else. Skin needs consistency and by that I mean a set of actives and good supporting products. What we all want (I know I am repeating myself) is clear, healthy and younger and fresher looking skin....right?

So I am sharing what I have found, what I did and why and I will continue to promote healthy skin with absolutely NO BULLSHITand no dressing things up, NO sugar coating shit from me any more. If you have problem skin, you really should read this and the following posts, not because I am the second coming and not because I have discovered something new, but because I have found the correct people to listen to and it bloody well works.

For the first time in a very long time I feel free, despite still having a neurological condition, I am slowly trying to rebuild my life and become used to and accepting of my new limits and enjoy my clear skin.

My advice to anyone caught in this trap is; if you have any kind of skin issues, even just a bit of congestion, there are no quick fixes is consistency (I see that word a lot on skincare accounts with no actual consistency). Find your actives (antioxidants, retinol/vitamin a) and your back up products full of hyaluronic acid, ceramides, vitamins such as A, C, E, K, B etc (cleanser and moisturiser - your serums A & C are your actives) and a bloody good SPF or you'll undo it all. Find a formulation that works for you in a price bracket you can keep up with and stick with it.

Some brands that are suitable for most budgets...
La Roche Posay

Do your research and give it a go, what have you got to lose?

To find out how I cleared my acne and cysts Phase 1 Retinol

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