Skincare Club
After reading Dr Sam Buntings blog post when acne and wrinkles co exist I was intrigued. I have spent the past several years trying to stick to a skincare regime and failing badly.
Why I hear you ask... well I have been trying to do everything at once targetting all my skin concerns with a variety or super expensive serums and potions, not only that but trying to find the correct formulas for my skin and brands, ingredients to use or avoid meant lots of costly errors and far too much choice. I found myself staring into my stash every day wondering which to use which of course meant I used nothing consistently therefore robbing myself of any of the results. I would fire through all my skincare at an alarming rate never really knowing what my skin did or did not like, getting to the end of a £150 serum only to wonder if I had actually seen any benefits.
It just left me feeling confused and a lot of the time with damaged over-exfoliated skin from the latest acid serum or a new breakout from a product that caused me to block up or even a purge from a product that was potentialy working but the purge created the "is this a fucking breakout or a purge fear" then I would stop, put ALL my skincare away, write myself a new routine and profess to stick to it dilligently, SHOUT about it on Instagram (again *eye roll*) only to find 3 weeks later everything was back out on my vanity again and I yet again had a face ful of fucking spots! *sob* I am beyond help as I sobbed into my Zelens Power C and Sunday Riley Luna wondering which was the fucking culprit this time!
Dont get me wrong, the good skincare people of Insta have told me, cajooled me, wiped away my virtual tears as I'm verging on the next huge emotional breakdown while I scream "WHAT THE EFFING HELL AM I ACTUALLY DOING".... Then I would say all my products are shit and buy even more stuff I do not need for a skintype I do not have.
Stressfull and I have had enough....About time I hear you all cry. Yes, it is, It's totally about time for a change. But this change requires will power, a strict very basic regime, and products I don't have I almost said..... I have what I need, not what I want, but I have enough to make a start.
Cue Dr Sam and her amazing blog post titled "What to do when acne and wrinkles so-exist" I literally cried with relief when I read this. I have read this post a few times before, however I did not have the strength, self restraint or will-power to follow it through and as the latest parcel arrived with whatever skincare I had ordered from Cult Beauty I forgot that post even existed. The easy to follow post slipped from my mind as I applied my third mask for dry skin *eye roll* then wondering why the fuck my skin was so shite.
Now, I read this last night in bed, after my latest breakout I decided enough was enough, the newness of being an Instagram skincare account has worn off, I have tried and tested lots of new things and the shininess has worn off now. Now I just want clear, younger skin. There is only one way to do it; one issue at a time in easy to follow steps with basic product recommends and lots of support.
So, I have my Isotrex gel prescribed (again another *eye roll*) I have cleared away my skincare (yes again) and I have out the kind of skincare that Caroline Hirons would shoot me for, but, my friends it's only until my skin becomes used to the retinod. I have Cetaphil for now which I will later change to Zelens 3t and Elemis Marine Collagen.
As i am using a strong retinod I must have a really good skincare support system. My plans are to use the basics on retinol nights, with maybe something with ceramides on the non retinol nights and Zelens D somewhere in there. Vit C can wait till part 2. This is all about retinoid support, hydration, care and being gentle and kind.
Planned Purchases
- Josh Rosebrook Hydrating Accelerator Here
- Jordan Samuels trio: Plie Cleanser, hydrate serum and etoile essential oil free amazingness Here
- Jane Scrivener OO (over oil moisturiser) Here
The last two will be for part 2 of the programme. When I involve antioxidants (etoile) and microneedling.
Dr Sam's List of Needs
A combination of the following will make a big difference in any acne-sufferer’s skin:
1) A BHA wash (containing 1-2% salicylic acid)
2) A topical anti-inflammatory-2.5% benzoyl peroxide (despite historical associations with the nasty, bleaching products of ones’ teens) works well, and there’s no need to use a higher percentage. Seek out those with a moisturising base, like dimethicone, which will help minimise irritancy.
3) A non-comedogenic moisturiser-to preserve barrier function and to help improve tolerability of the acne ‘actives’ in the early stages of treatment.
4) A non-comedogenic sun protection product (minimum SPF 30)-with broad-spectrum cover, which you’ll need as you must use a retinoid (unless getting pregnant).
5) A retinoid-like Differin or Retin-A. In very mild cases, a more gentle Vitamin A-derivative might be sufficient, like retinaldehyde. But you probably need a prescription product if your spot and comedone count is greater than 10-15 lesions. If pregnancy is an issue, azelaic acid is a safe alternative (and will incidentally help tackle your pigmentation). The acne may well get worse before it gets better-do not stop! Retinoids do tend to push out micro-comedones which weren’t previously visible, a process of cutaneous catharsis, if you ask me. It had to come out at some point, so best to get it over and done with. Always use at night, as the molecule is not stable when UV-exposed.
I am hoping its something other skincare accounts are wanting to join in with, we can support each other, make recommedations, just hold each others hands along the way because god knows... it's going to be hard at times.
I'll be using the hashtag #drsambuntingsway and #skincareclub feel free to join in and tag me @just_claire_page Instagram handle.
I will of course document my journey with pictures and an account of what changes my skin goes through.
So here goes...... (right after I just apply this mask).
Thanks for reading my inane rambles
Skincare Secrets
Dr Sams infamous and slightly sexy finger waggle!
Resources -
Dr Sam Bunting has an interesting Instagram page where she scolds us weekly, for beauty no-no's. Sghe is simply stunning and her I could listen to her beautiful accent all day! The scolds are so interesting and I have learnt so much so far. Well worth following.
Some of the info I have gleamed from Here
She has a well maintained blog full to the brim with anything you wnat to know about skin and skin issues. She is a world renouned super busy Dermatologist that you can if you wish book to see.
The images are from google.
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